Crisis, stress and misery ... Dionysian Apollonian
is better or opinion. Things are working so that if necessary pisarte neck, I tread.
Yet now people seem to have things more clearly.
Obviously, the conditions of life is hard when resources are scarce. Stress, suffering, they become enemies around anyone and everyone in particular through the streets. The truths that are coming to light and can be part of another conspiracy. The apparent problems of the system and corruption of governments, caught in the paradox of power and slavery for others. Go down in history, death touches us all, live life as best as possible.
Worry only about your family ...
Man is wolf to man . Friendships
prove to be false, perhaps is better after all. Smiles, gestures of affection and good words, all the while things are going well, if not ... Then come the problems. Affective interest, the market for emotions, moods. Philosophy has a lot of the current situation in Spain and elsewhere. Society is crumbling and dying image divided into opposing groups. Economic and political manipulation ranging from toothpaste to use your speech, from the clothes they spend. Progressive scale violence, sending birds governments and armies death without the consent of the majority.
I'm still in my seat like so many others watching the scene, hoping that things will get better and not myself to think that nothing can change. I have cheated hundreds of times, friends and enemies, and yet I'm still the same they had to learn their lessons from very small. I hope not to end up with the feeling of being stupid, but the worst thing would end up believing what someone came to tell me.
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