Prostitution in Latin American literature, a bird's reflection
In Mexico during the seventeenth century, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz wrote in his poem "Men fools" on which he has been called "the oldest profession in the world," stressed one of the most famous verses this poem: "Or what is more to blame, but do ill: she who sins for pay or who pays for sin?" Sor Juana intended, as indicated from the title, call attention to the double standard that is often applied to the issue of prostitution in which they often punish, stigmatize or reject its practitioners, but little or nothing about those who benefit from this service.
We cite this poem as a prime example of how many writers have used their feathers to talk about prostitution, the exchange of money for sexual favors, being, space and literature in which this research has been done since different and varied perspectives.
Roberto Arlt, Argentine writer, published in 1929, the particular novel Los siete locos, prostitutes are there present in the text, are companions, unconditional love, and above all essential parts in the social revolution that plans to make The Astrologer one of the most impressive of the book, aided by a network of brothels throughout the country. The idea is to undermine, once and for all and since its foundation, an exclusionary society, with no sense that man has managed to alienate himself.
What comes to mind when we think of prostitutes? Perhaps darkness, poverty, squalor? Mario Vargas Llosa will provide a new perspective on that stereotype tissue around prostitution. In his first major novel The City and the Dogs (1962) Leoncio Prado cadets seem to only find peace in the visit to the neighborhood of brothels and in particular the famous "Golden Feet" with gentleness and wisdom who starts these young people who are just learning to be men in the arts of love. Later in his autobiography The fish in the water (1991), Vargas Llosa prostitute say that this really existed and that his legend persisted for several generations of cadets that always remembered with respect, admiration and nostalgia. In another of the novels of the Peruvian writer Pantoja and the Special (1973) the protagonist is Pantaleon Pantoja, a soldier sent deep into the jungle to organize the sexual satisfaction of the military. Serious and organized Pantaleon will arrange "hits" set shifts, in short, will use military discipline to the whole world will be benefited. The book is written with humor and it's hard not to laugh with the occurrences of Pantoja.
Alvaro Mutis, renowned Colombian writer, addressed a similar idea in Ilona arrives with the rain (1988) when the tireless Maqroll decide in a particular moment in the saga of this character consists of seven novels, which will stay a while in one place and manage a brothel in Panama with his girlfriend Ilona. The particularity of this brothel lies in the fact that prostitutes will be passed through airline attendants recognized. The brothel becomes a place to get Maqroll stop, a taste of everyday life with Ilona and the possibility of a love strong and intense but devoid of commitment and belongings that are woven between the two and offers customers of your business The dream of giving pleasure, to reach heaven, if you like with these women who supposedly crossed to live. Thanks to the characters who visit the brothel see how this becomes a relief space, meeting and excited because for many men, as noted by Vargas Llosa, the brothel may be the place where he finally drops the mask and the man is naked in body and soul to this woman that is not there to demand nothing, expecting nothing and only aims to please. Gabriel García Márquez
addressed in several of his novels the theme of prostitution in The incredible and sad story of candida Erendira and Her Heartless Grandmother (1972) is the punishment, is the fate that takes over. Erendira has spent years enslaved by her grandmother who is accused of having burned his house and forced to go from town to town prostitute to pay the debt. The reader quickly understands that this debt is infinite and that will not suffice to Candida a lifetime to pay it off while the men are crowded at your door. This text is enforced prostitution and impedes the realization of a personal destiny, candida can only rescue the love and García Márquez show like this woman, fragile, thin like a helpless bird love waking get some of the men who visit as the episode narrated in Hundred Years of Solitude ( 1967) when Aureliano Buendía intersects with Candida (no wonder some of Garcia Marquez's books have ties to each other) and is ready to release her from her fateful punishment but take it away before he consiga.En novel Love in the Time of Cholera (1985) the protagonist found in brothels, together with the partners and their sounds, the peace necessary for work done that we know the author takes his real life, actually, García Márquez told several times that in those places and getting cheap rooms the ability to not feel so alone while his typewriter typed accompanied by all sorts of noises.
In recent publications Colombian Santiago Gamboa Mario Mendoza and referring to prostitution. In the first, this usually is linked to the society that we see with the dark areas of a city that while they are there devouring wish to ignore all around, areas where the unwary or those who venture are lost for ever. For Gamboa, method of Losing ( 1997) Quica, the prostitute becomes the ally and the unconditional support of Victor Silampos character facing a case of corruption, murder and desapariciones.Pecadoras, Allied, unconditional love, convicted, adventurous, happy or bitter, prostitutes appear in different and varied ways in Latin American literature. Many writers were seduced by stories that are woven into the brothels and around and never tire of exploring the many facets inherent in this business as evidenced by the examples in this reflection.
I would venture, at this point to say that perhaps, this fascination is due to the fact that prostitution is a man unlikely possibility, one that involves feeling that a woman is willing to do anything for him to meet him and bow, and that for a moment, one short and often expensive, it will rise as king of the universe of the space she shares with her, her wishes are orders, obedience is ensured, and then only then will return to his world of anonymity and insignificance where things, for sure, do not always happen that way.
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