is updated at the end Ochoymedio . reviews climbed Waterfront , The Diving Bell and the Butterfly , Shogun and Language butterflies. Has been what can be called a productive morning.
Each of these films aroused in me strong and varied emotions. There is everything in this small selection. Shogun needed for a long time to see the full series requires ten hours. Others, such as the Waterfront had long movie in my drawer waiting to be seen. As life is well, just were going through a cable biography of Marlon Brando and I enjoyed the movie twice after venturing a bit into the life of this talented and particular actor. Many cited here pulled me tears ... and as always I was just wanting to see more movies and read more books.
Few things match the pleasure for me to lead these activities and those who approach him about it gives me pleasure because they approach the litratura or the movies ... I remember a joke I had in college: it is assumed that Giovanni and Jaime GarcĂa Mafla Quessep found watching a sunset ... "look at what beauty, what colors, what a sight" to which the other responds (the one who decides account of the two) "Ah, yes .... and I had read it." To
literature does not replace my life as many writers have thought and lived lives with that conviction. Emily Dickinson did not require ever leaving their small town, like Pessoa and many others. Tampa I do not think the need to create from a heartbreaking and excessive suffering, of living on the edge looking to set the abyss (company in which almost crazy, does mad?, Rimbaud). I believe in continuous feedback between books and life. I think that the words (and film, good film) are there to challenge, mobilize, humanize. Literature brings us back to reality with new look, with new questions with new concerns. If anything I want for me is that curiosity is never exhausted me, doors are always exploring ... And what better doors that books and movies? Hand in hand with other roads we travel we did not know or that we thought and at last we see reflected. Only
why, in heaven I suspect, like Borges as a large library if you would request the inclusion of a film projector.
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