Monday, December 8, 2008

Manual Realistic Trc 427

Traveling by road movies and more ....

is updated at the end Ochoymedio . reviews climbed Waterfront , The Diving Bell and the Butterfly , Shogun and Language butterflies. Has been what can be called a productive morning.
Each of these films aroused in me strong and varied emotions. There is everything in this small selection. Shogun needed for a long time to see the full series requires ten hours. Others, such as the Waterfront had long movie in my drawer waiting to be seen. As life is well, just were going through a cable biography of Marlon Brando and I enjoyed the movie twice after venturing a bit into the life of this talented and particular actor. Many cited here pulled me tears ... and as always I was just wanting to see more movies and read more books.
Few things match the pleasure for me to lead these activities and those who approach him about it gives me pleasure because they approach the litratura or the movies ... I remember a joke I had in college: it is assumed that Giovanni and Jaime García Mafla Quessep found watching a sunset ... "look at what beauty, what colors, what a sight" to which the other responds (the one who decides account of the two) "Ah, yes .... and I had read it." To
literature does not replace my life as many writers have thought and lived lives with that conviction. Emily Dickinson did not require ever leaving their small town, like Pessoa and many others. Tampa I do not think the need to create from a heartbreaking and excessive suffering, of living on the edge looking to set the abyss (company in which almost crazy, does mad?, Rimbaud). I believe in continuous feedback between books and life. I think that the words (and film, good film) are there to challenge, mobilize, humanize. Literature brings us back to reality with new look, with new questions with new concerns. If anything I want for me is that curiosity is never exhausted me, doors are always exploring ... And what better doors that books and movies? Hand in hand with other roads we travel we did not know or that we thought and at last we see reflected. Only
why, in heaven I suspect, like Borges as a large library if you would request the inclusion of a film projector.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Vip Bag Default Lock Number

"And floated in the air like a bird" Breaking the Silence

Amid the buildings of the city you move, sometimes as a PLC. You thinking in the quote you have, to reach your destination, the driver behind that distracts you and captures your attention. You pita, makes lights, expected to take off on its way ... tour, you lose sight to trouble, you're coming and then you see:
At first I did not understand ... you perceive only the corner of my eye and turn you take on over the head to understand that we just guess.
A white figure falling from the building under construction, "a package perhaps? It's a split second, a moment that is interrupted by the first blow, that, dry and hard against the roof of aluminum, then comes the second when it ends falling to the ground. Not package, like a puppet ... is not either ... is a man who has fallen from a great height and is now lying there, helpless face-down on the floor.
Following the sharp sound as if everything had gone quiet, stopped.
're out ... you got off the car in a second, instantly and you are there seeing what you thought you did not see ... confirming that the figure is a man who wears break off from the sky. A young worker who is lying motionless, alone, dying in front of you while everything is silent even though the cars are going, without noticing anything, despite the occasional dodge (without realizing it, unaware of the tragedy) the rubber boot that was lying on the street.
have the urge to pick it up, pick it up and bring him also to hospital but then you see the blood that begins to emerge slowly from his head.
what to do?
What hurts you cover it with a makeshift sheet is that you think you've seen anyone play it .... he is dying there in front of your eyes and nobody is taking the hand, no one is with him .... What if he is not dead? What if she got a hint of conscience in that motionless body and manages to see that cover, leave it, leave it there?
Perplexed, distraught ... all looked at from afar dying or already dead, with nothing to do.
lasted about 20 mns Medical Motorcycle appear to confirm what we already sensed.
(that's a long time)
I do not know how long it took the Sijin.
not know the name of that he died before me.
I know today were not evident and diligently erased the remnants of blood on the platform (which is easy to clean). Today there were dump trucks with material in the scene and everything was normal ... apparently.
I also know that this story I have heard a thousand times because it is a song my teens hammered countless times, disturbing, painful and now materialized. Chico Buarque
sang and ...
I do not know his name, I can only write these words to name it somehow and shake his hand.

Chico Buarque

loved from that time as if it were the last
kissed his wife as if it were the last
And each of his sons as it was the only
and crossed the street with his timid step
got into the building as if it were lifted
machine on the landing four solid walls
Brick with brick in a magic picture
cement his eyes dull and tear
as was laid to rest Saturday if
ate beans and rice as if he were a prince
drank and cried like a castaway
danced and laughed as if she heard music
And stumbled into the sky like a drunk
and floated in the air like a bird And
ended on the floor made a flaccid package
lay dying in the middle of the ride public
died at stopping traffic counter

loved from that time as if it were the last
kissed his wife as if the only
And each of his sons as if the prodigal
and crossed the street with her drunk step
got into the building as if it were solid
lifted at the landing four walls
magical brick with brick in a logical pattern
His eyes dull cement and traffic
sat down to rest like
prince ate beans and rice as if it were machine
danced and laughed as if the next
And stumbled into the sky as if he heard music
and floated in the air like Saturday
and ended on the floor made a timid package
lay dying in the middle of the ride
castaway died at disrupting the public counter

loved from that time as if it were machine
kissed his wife like logical
lifted at the landing four walls flaccid
sat down to rest like a bird
And floated in the air like a prince
And just in the ground made a package died drunk
countercurrent interrupting Saturday.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

; Amy Fagan Orange Ave

Two poems to celebrate the return of words.
The latest book from the union of the External University of Colombia and The Malpensante (and is number 42 of this laudable enterprise) brings poems of Luis Fernando Afanador, I choose two to share. Small, accurate, here you go:


When you
life accounts in that time

In that moment of the assets and the laments
Remember that one day you were
goddess A goddess on earth to somebody.

Praise the villain

Much is known of love is not loved
But the other? Of that waiver, turns
the face, who will not or can not see spending unnecessarily
and kisses, promises
entreaties, looks all the beauty
runaway to nowhere
another waste of life and also
suffers ...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What Is The Biggest Push Up Bra In The World

Trip to India in New Dehli

(Again write without accents)

may be possible to assert that the Taj Mahal is the most famous image of India. I'm not dying to go through it. I was too lazy overexposure all media and hiding their presence felt other wonders of this country (that if true). But it was either take the difficult and the fact is that it is impossible not to lose your breath in front of this building, almost ethereal, white marble. It is no doubt that what is most impressive, the lightness of this monumental tomb built in honor of a deceased wife. A monument to love, soft and delicate in which he seems to feel all the time the female presence.

no longer anecdotal as less impressive surge of visitors who come to visit and, at least while I was in were mostly Indians. Women in their colorful saris they looked beautiful next to the big white walls.

Not far from the Taj is the Red Fort served as a prison for Shah Jahan and from there I look for 8 years, the beautiful building that was in memory of his wife. Travelling

India is many things but above all immerse yourself in history and feel alive and moving.

No longer admire the coexistence of so many religions and that all be present during this vast territory. In India

are no displays of affection on the street between the couples but it is common to see Muslim men affectionately holding hands or embracing walking down the street.

one hand women are covered in their burqas, beyond the others, beautiful in their saris and kurtas. Countless representations of Shiva, Ganesh and the vast Hindu pantheon cohabit with Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad and Bollywood stars almost as revered deities. Ritualistic India is a country full of ceremonies and beliefs, magical thinking that remains tools developed technologies. An ornate palaces and country of extreme poverty, that we know so well in Latin America. Sometimes I have the feeling that everything here is enormous and powerful like the same thing, that I know in Colombia but multiplied a thousand ... vehicular clutter, the food flavor in every bite is a blend of various spices, unexplained phenomena.

No longer surprising, and wonder, multiplicity of languages \u200b\u200bare spoken and here in the state of Tamil Nadu is easy to find people who speak 5 different languages \u200b\u200band as if that were little different alphabets.

In Mahabalipuram sea reaches a small beach with colorful restaurants and small boats made of wood. Beside the palm trees and this rate that could be of any coastal town of Colombia stone buildings rise recorded in the seventh century after Christ. Ganesh, the god half man, half elephant receives tribute in different parts while tourists walk the streets of this slowly people.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Blue Veins And Pain On Breasts


After countless hours of plane, 5 takeoffs and landings and across half the planet can be found sitting at a computer black keys (as dirty) with a powerful fan counteracting the damp heat , unable to put accents in the middle of New Delhi.
In a day in New Delhi is contemplating a tomb made possible in 1500 DC walking gardens and suddenly come across some elephants that are cutting the branches of trees. Later, there is a faithful flooded mosque amid a tumultuous street where it is possible to miss the smell of incense, the multiple beggars and garbage piles. A rickshaw and a few blocks after the trees full of flowers stood up to a sunny balcony where beautiful women in saris pass, we stop ourselves because we see that there is a party and at the entrance of the house are two huge elephants decorated with carpet cleaning and mission red whereby guests enter. We stayed there a while, amazed at these giant animals, the second we see in a day. We look like fools and then passes a man on a bicycle with a large monkeys that are tied behind him. We're going after a while wrapped in the damp heat of an afternoon that passes slowly here in New Dehli.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wooden Ironing Boards

The Dark Knight

Dark unsettling, disturbing here are some words that can be used to describe the second installment of Batman directed by Christopher Nolan.
Nolan may not have a very extensive film but it certainly can trace his films explore concerns about some normal mental states. He did in the memorable Memento (horribly translated as Amnesia ) which deals with the tribulations of a man who has lost his memory getting immediate, thanks to the device used in the narration of history, we live the same situation as the protagonist. It is also insomnia, less good, but that allowed us to see a Robin Williams completely psychotic. With Batman Begins
Nolan showed he was determined to rescue the man bat after the latest movies on it, colorful, silly, confusing and boring (except, of course those of Tim Burton)
Much has been made in numerous review the special character of this superhero whose first feature does not possess any special power. None of radioactive radiation, interplanetary shipping Batman is an ordinary man who decided one day to train for combat evil. Well, I lie, not a common man is a man carrying a deep pain and sadness, watched helplessly the killing of his parents and grew alone in a huge mansion. Within it discusses various passions, feelings: JUSTICE thirst and longing for revenge, redemption and finding hope of punishment. Contradictory, passionate perhaps the most difficult was finding an actor who could convey the force, darkness and contradictions of this character. Nolan sought out Christian Bale was starring in his curriculum American psycho (what else). Batman Begins
aa again remind us that here was the most complex and human superhero and Gothic town could be any large city where the mafia, corruption and lawlessness have been the order to succeed.
The second installment takes a step further, if the first spoke on the path of formation of a hero, the principles governing the way, the encounter with his inner pain and the creation of the Batman (condensation of the deepest fears Bruce Wayne) will fight on for justice, the second shows us that we have a society where heroes are no longer sufficient. But I'm getting ahead.
The Dark Knight picks up where its predecessor ended. The bad guys of Gotham City begins to feel uncomfortable by the presence of Batman, certain foundations of criminal organizations stumble but beware, this does not say the worst has passed, however, for two hours Nolan we take you through the dark passageways of evil. That place where darkness reigns and no longer care about money or power only "to burn things." And there, with the match on the joker can only be embodied brilliantly by Heath Ledger. Evil, sinister how to read social product that mocks himself, the pain of all? Smart, shrewd, does not even have the basic instinct of survival because they want and seek the death he is elusive (which ironically will be realized with Heath Ledger).
The counterpart of this figure of evil is Harvey Dent, the embattled prosecutor who is willing to do justice to the cost of your own life and ready, he began the descent into the underworld, for breaking any basic scheme Nolan superhero is ready to surprise us and let go into the abyss. At the end is a glimmer of hope, even in the most unexpected places we can find a little light, kindness, concern for others ... but that's the end, we have been scared before in our chairs for more than two hours wondering if this really is a dark moment that will precede a dawn light (as stated by the prosecutor) and not the depths of the night, from the macabre have invaded everything.
reflections raised by the film can be very complex: we have a society that no longer needs heroes but martyrs (willing to drag the faults of others, determined not to get endorsement and work in darkness), we have a society that is necessary to lie, conceal as well as we should do those we love, sometimes, because the truth is not always the road. We witness the struggle of a man in his quest to quench his sorrow ended up creating a symbol that surpassed himself, something that can not leave, which has its own life and his life needs to survive.
I aterrra a bit that the film was rated as PG-12 when, perhaps naively, I really think you can be highly disruptive.
No doubt the joker (so well done, so seductive) will become an antihero perhaps because these beings asocales emulate, often anarchic always captivating ... (scary this too).
Anyway, thinking exclusively in the superhero movie seems to me that Nolan has taken this genre to unexpected instances ... What comes after this?
(Note deserves that bring so few copies that Cinemark subtitles and Atlantis (or what I write down the reasons for doing so) are allowed to cut the credits as if that was not a fundamental part of the movie.)

Review published in

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Who Does Microchet Hair Extensions In Toronto

The holidays can be filled days full of things and nothing ... It's hard to explain, after hours time goes fast in a slow and harmonious antagony. It's different to have days off in Bogota, the city that roars with others who are in their jobs, busy, in motion and then a full well of occupations laps to go. Checklists appear to have the uncanny ability to replicate themselves with startling ease and the days are passing over each other while one is still not enough to digest what happened last month.
This has been ...
I have not written about movies I've seen, I have not written about how the sun rises in a new way, or what makes me angry, and I am surprised ... the words in my head have been inhabited only for me at times I feel sad, sometimes just do not think that because there are times when life demands you spend all this time, breathing, living and not easy to find the time, or do not want to sit and write. Meanwhile
prepare suitcases, disarmed others, reviewed photos of the last trip of a mere few days ago when it was necessary to walk ten hours path through trails and through tunnels. (There is a road in Colombia, which communicates with Guateque Villanueva, who is full of tunnels and each has a name: the flying, hell ... it reads in small white ads before you dive in the dark, damp depths of numerous mountains.)
The suitcases are opened and closed. Au are many holidays.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The North Face Outlet Texas

self-destruction ...

sometimes the sound of a hug is invisible to the feeling, sometimes your skin as screams and ears kieren not see, see the most pekeño feeling of intense flavor of Akel ke remembered taste?
not matter ....
you? ... Kisas get into my pores through a note Musikal y un par de pasos de tango...

la leve introduccion a un camino sin final...

o te pierdes en los rios de mi piel?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Pirates Jesse Jane Watch

Holidays Dog eat dog or The trip to hell before I forget to

"dog eat dog" says the classic saying, but in reality this film tries to reflect that's not true, of the same species have chosen to attack each other.
"These animals became ill, "says the subtitle of the film and this phrase comes from the mouth of the elkhorn a kind of pattern that we all fear, when he contemplates impassive as your fish eat each other have been resolved.
What is the situation causing the problem this time: the drug trade, social inequality, corruption? all of them eventually because rather than report problems the film focuses on showing how all these components have created a society where moral codes have been completely disrupted .
Marlon Moreno, in a more than perfect, gives life to Victor Peñaranda who does not hesitate to appropriate, just see the opportunity, of a dollar he was commissioned to recover. This occurs during the first ten minutes of the film and thereafter we will start Victor overcome obstacles waiting to get away with their loot. The paradox is that he remains in charge of recovering so this search engine, finally, seeks himself to remain composed and calm as the circle seems to close around him.
to accompany him on his mission will Eusebio Benitez (Oscar Borda), which binds to Peñaranda, ignoring already sentenced to death for his last murder and black magic have made to arrive at the appointed day completely terrified.
Film is filmed entirely in a particular tone that accentuates the coldness of the shares. Just as The Colombian Dream, Aljure, is an avalanche of colors here these have been completely obscured the faces are green, the characters look dead in life. Faded reality in which evil seems to have succeeded.
I've rarely been in a movie theater watching a film in Colombia and I have not heard laughter at the insults or popular sayings, here, I assure you, the smile was quickly erased from the face and apparent humorous leitmotif that appears throughout the film, a wrong call that resounds unabated in the hotel room where the characters are confined, with a tragic end outcome. How
Victor laugh while we fall into the abyss? How not to squirm in the chair to follow this intrepid character, cold and withdrawn that has lost his family and tries to play his last card, that you think you will save while their feet are falling and he's dead is getting rid of the last traces of humanity left? Money is just an excuse, a kind of amulet that it hopes will repair the damage done, a die cast, some played cards at a bad time, but there is no turning back.
hopeless, tragic, journey to Hades to undertake our hero is accompanied by strings of black magic, African folk who live among us, and that in this case, serve to reinforce the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dark forces, demons and evil powers that seem to be winning the game.
Souls of seeking revenge, criminal organizations have become the murder in a banal event, human animalized who hurt each other, out of control, without feeling. There is Victor
with Love tattoos in the arm with his cold stare, his pain on his back and stuffed it expects to deliver at a time and that will disintegrate along with his dreams, Victor seems to look at us, it seems to get a second chance before disappearing forever and blur in this society we have created a pulse years of decline, massacres and violence that we could not do anything to stop it.

Dog eat dog (2008)
Director: Carlos Moreno
Review published in

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Baby Papoose Pattern To Knit Free

(Thomas González)

More than the story that holds no more surprises, so that keeps the reader alert and glued to the pages of the book is the deep poetic and descriptive narrative.

Leon, an attorney dedicated to ugly start reconstruction of the life of Alfonso and his relationship with Josephine. To that end he reads the newspaper Alfonso survives and is able to read between the lines the real feelings and concerns that lie behind their comments.
Josephine, still alive, I get to tell her story but she is gradually losing his memory. Leo strives to rescue the last glow of history, the memories of a broken love affair, a passion cut short, and life with a mother punishing cold.

The nicest of the book, besides the beautiful descriptions and deep reflection is intimate and mature tone with which Gonzalez tries to capture a moment, that in which we try to stop an instant nostalgia, perpetuate a feeling, a smell, a feeling, when the nature of themselves is futile, graceful transient.
the end, Leon burns his huge manuscript, undo the effort because the writing would be an end in itself, then read the story that has the double characteristic of destroying himself but there before our eyes.
The book aims then set the memories to make sense of a love story in which there are two versions lived very different, is the attempt to salvage something "before I forget."

Watch The Series Taken Online

Generation X

Brief Generation X (Reality Bites) released into

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Cable Hd Tv Antenna Hdmi Coax

A True Story (those that are a box in the newspaper) Across the universe

How can you call it? Mireya perhaps, it is likely that this is a good name. Mireya
learned to use the internet because a friend from the neighborhood said it was the best way to forget Fredy (this may be the name of it).
The two lived in a slum of delusion Cereté and that meant her friend out of it until a stationary center had computers with connection. The idea was that Mireya friend climb a photo of yourself to one of those many places to get a date and could "find some gringo get you out of this hole and take you away from the scourge of Fred."
After dating for three years the relationship had reached a point impossible, Fredy's continued unabated, he prevented from using what he considered provocative clothing, paint their nails, talk to other men and as if this were not enough had inflicted two tremendous beating that nearly sent to the clinic. After the last, Mireya forces met where there was and against all odds, because many of their neighbors were tied for life to male abusers, ended with Fredy.
The friend knew enough of the internet and was quick to upload your photo, previously selected among the few that had no Fredy, and filled the information in your profile.
John, insurance called John, he answered quickly. He had learned some English in school and this smiling mulatto was enough reason to try to practice.
Initially, they were text messages asking for basic information, was not the only one who had appeared so much was not Mireya said of him during the first months because I had many messages to answer. But most were quickly disappearing, some, bored others hinted at something sexual and frightened, and outside was always John and at one point and was not interested in anyone other than this gringo who lived alone in a small town in the middle of Ohio.
John took classes to improve their English and their emails were getting longer ... Started sharing dreams, telling stories and suddenly it was so cold in January in the town of Ohio and Cereté was less tiny and hot.
A Mireya and things did not seem as though Fred was fatal harassment, insults in the street, throwing stones at the window while drunk.
John was sensitive to Mireya modest life and wanted to send money, now could not send much but it would be very happy if she would buy some things and think from time to time in it. Mireya
money initially received with suspicion and then with joy, could provide some luxuries but above all seriously contemplated the possibility of splitting .. The task, however, was not easy for the issue of visa. John began to make inquiries, something should be done. One morning he said maybe it was easier to get married and while he wrote that held his breath. After two years of writing this was the email I wanted more than anything to receive Mireya and that day she had hitherto been quiet, made the fatal mistake of telling the story because a neighbor came home smiling. "Hey, Look at that face ... what?" "Nothing Doña sole, that suddenly I'm out of here soon that I marry a gringo and I leave this hell."
The news spread like wildfire. He soon reached the ears of Frederick ...
If this were a story and not a real life story I may invent that followed for days yelling profanities and obscenities in the street, or perhaps that waited a day to hit behind a wall, until, in a moment of perversion, could devise who raped his way home while I said "let's see if now dog will love this gringo bastard."
But no ... in real life, our assumption Fredy, along with some friends, he waited to leave your appointment online and abducted her. I can not even imagine that it was during those days he was captive, what horrors could have been made. While this happened Fredy
agreed to mail Mireya (she revealed key insurance) and wrote the poor John an e-awful demanding money in exchange for the release of Mireya.
John, who imagine in their suburban house should not have been gringo understand much. Much overwhelmed, how helpless he must have felt as thought they were doing to collect the money (an absurd figure.) His concern was seen abruptly interrupted by an email written by Mireya's friend, informing him that it had been found dead, not to send anything and did not have to write more. Finally, Fredy I wanted was to kill it, submit it to the final torture, trampling of all the illusion that he had away from him. Mireya

then ended his days killed brutal manner by the ex-boyfriend wild. John, I suppose, felt an intense cold down her back and then left alone in front of a screen in an empty house inert and silent than ever, ever, was emptier and quieter than this time.

Uti After A Brazilian Wax

Review Across The Universe in

After Juno, Across the universe is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to see another cool movie. Director Julie Taymor (who also directed Frida ) decided to medirsele challenge of making a musical film constructed from the songs of the Beatles. Both Ricardo Silva, week, and Luis Fernando here in Ochoymedio had written glowing reviews, I was so with enthusiasm and anticipation to see her in movies, where it really worth watching, and did not leave disappointed.

Several things surprised me, the first to add the songs actually get a story in a logical and natural, that is, when I hear The wall Pink Floyd, it's hard for me not to take pictures and film not feeling those songs part of a coherent whole. For the Beatles I have heard long ago and not thought possible suddenly his songs could be linked to a story, certain characters and yet Across the universe company fails to make that difficult.

The protagonists of history are Jude (and how beautiful it is when it sounds Hey Jude) and of course, Lucy, the girl Lucy in the sky with diamonds . They come from different places, it's a working class neighborhood in England, she is a rich American family who cross their destinations in New York. Are the sixties, everything is changing, there is new music, new opportunities but also new fears and enemies because it is starting the war in Vietnam. Thanks

to this couple who finds love, and their various friends, the film takes us a journey through the music of the Beatles and these convulsive years where everything is possible at least be indifferent.

To my surprise many of the songs were completely re-sized, perhaps had never paid much attention to the lyrics. Others who have esciuchado thousand times and I know well, were interpreted in an original and different as I want you, played by Uncle Sam expects to enroll combatants or Come together, a favorite with its surreal lyrics, sung by beggars and prostitutes on the street, accompanying the arrival of a guitarist looking to try his luck in New York.

I loved being in movies with people excited and feel that everyone unobtrusively tarareabamos points as we believed the story. Yes, yes, maybe some pieces are a little long, or some loose ends are somewhat but if one leaves aside certain requirements and it is believed the game and agree to enter this kind of long passes and felt really good video .. .. And best of all, for an evening return to believe (or perhaps not?) That All you need is love .