(Edward Weston Photography)
Sometimes I wonder how they see the world from a male head.
minutes If I grant the possibility of man would I see many different things?, Would great revelations?
I do not know, I think, yes, and do not know why, to rest a little. I have the idea, perhaps crazy, that my head is constantly full of things, voices, thoughts, things do is because I have a woman's head. A day like today, a day if I feel lonely just because I'm never lonely when I see no one or, at least, never in silence. I feel that I speak and answer me, answer me these voices that I inhabit.
However, this is not the most exhausting, finally, over the years I've gotten used to standing conference that is lived daily in my head. What is more stressful than being a woman does not seem to be something that comes naturally, a condition with which one is born but a long and expensive job that may not be waived and there is always something new to learn.
At present I am surprised the media blitz on the feminine. There are women everywhere, every time we used to sell all types of products ranging from everything to do with the "feminine hygiene", including all cleaning products for the home kitchen and ending with notebooks, cars, the usual liquor and an endless number of things.
What makes us so versatile is a strange mix. While many advertisements exploit our maternal side, sweet and devoted to household work (killed by the family: "Hey you, think of your mom and give her a blender, washing machine etc..), Others are dedicated to revealing one's body and make it a place of desire, indeed, women in these ads seem to only want to arouse passions, libido. On a typical day I see many times boobs (and not mine), are everywhere, many have no face or put a name matters little. I will not say that all seem to like the same, at least in advertising, because they favor the big, round, those who barely move. Apart from this bombardment is sufficient to turn on a radio to hear that women seem to want gasoline, fire, fire, we stick together, they give us, we whipped and, finally, all those alternatives that come to the same. Not counting the many singers who wail in the songs and whose videos, even romantic, should include the collection to the buttocks, abdomen toned, the plunging neckline and a sensual movement, wet bodies, exposed, why not? something original, provocative introducing a finger painted red mouth does anyone has?.
to all this is added, this weekend, "or has been all month? The beauty queens, the detailed discussions on all body parts, the headlines about cellulite, stretch marks, accompanied by discussions of the presenters, who were also queens, on the subject.
And it seemed that that was the other area of \u200b\u200bfemininity, gossip, whispering, critique. We have to be watching and comparing all the time, we keep quotas to meet: Be a good daughter, good girlfriend, good wife, good lover, good mother, good housekeeper, a good professional ... who can look bad in the long list without trial or at least feel that way?
We wish to make us think that is a must, a requirement, but be careful because if you want too may bad things happen to you, sorry, but this will be your fault.
We shocked the women covered the Middle East but we remain indifferent to nudity by nudity, the avalanche-to-eat products that include women, the idea outrageous, in my view, that to be visible, regardless of cause, it is necessary to strip out. I say this in mind last year still fresh Maria Fernanda Valencia for the camera in the undressing offered if elected. It is not easy to be known, she claimed, and this may be a way to do it. I would say it actually would be released, of course, a very intimate and private but what has that to do with a political project? Many years of struggle for rights claims seem to come we can now openly show their tits and so we can get many things. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Colombian actresses naked from the waist up from being passed Mickey Fanny Law, despite being a noble cause, it seemed equally out of place. Why not also stripped actors?
Finally, it is difficult to understand what is expected after all of us. It is difficult, also, to calculate how much damage has made that current female ideal, fucking strange mix of sweet and capable.